Frogwoman Anna – Old and New HD Video Update. See the full length video
After squeezing herself into the tightest vintage sharkskin drysuit, Frogwoman Anna is all geared up in her authentic retro dive equipment. With a Fenzy BCD, sharkskin neoprene gloves and oval dive mask. However, not everything is as vintage as seen. The Mistral twin-hose regulator may look as if it came straight out of the 1960s, but it’s new and offers all of the reliability and safety expected from modern day diving equipment.
If you would like to own the rare ScubaPro drysuit worn by Anna, it’s available HERE.
Shooting Frogwoman Anna in the snow!

We had no idea when we made our initial filming plan, that on the day of the shoot it was going to be so unbelievably cold! The night before, it started snowing and the mercury plummeted. It was still snowing when we arrived at the lake the following morning.
The first job is always the same, carry all of the heavy gear down to the lakeshore. Back breaking work, but on a morning like this it’s a great way to keep warm. Next, Anna needed to get into the suit. This is always a struggle when girls with long hair meet drysuits, but the vintage ScuabaPro suit is on another level of difficult!
Because it was so cold, she decided it would be best to try and suit-up in the car. After getting her feet into the booties, Anna pulled the suit up to her waist, first left arm in, followed quickly by the right. So far so good. Now she only needed to slide her head through a tight neck seal and into the attached hood before zipping the suit closed.
Manufactured from 8mm shark-skin neoprene, the suit doesn’t really stretch. Curvy Anna was definitely going to fill it very snugly, leaving absolutely no wiggle room. Try as she might, she just couldn’t get her head under the neck seal. Climbing out of the car, she tried again, hopping, pulling, stretching, yanking, grunting. With all of the straining she wasn’t feeling cold anymore! After what seemed like an eternity, there was a loud pop and a squeal of delight as her head finally slid into the hood and she could zip seal the suit tightly closed!
Temperature Control

If there is one constant in my life, it’s that the girls are either unbelievably hot or incredibly cold when we’re shooting. I have lost count of the times I’ve had to stop filming so they can go and sit in my car with the heating or AC on full blast! However, today was clearly going to be full of hot-water bottles, blankets, quilted clothing and warm mugs of coffee… Not just for Anna, but for me too!
I hope you like reading about the fun we have behind the scenes. Please leave a comment if you’d like to see more posts of this style in the future.
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